Damber Tumrok

Ex-Gurkha Contingent (GCSPF)

About Me

Namaste! My name is Damber Tumrok. I am an Ex- Gurkha Contingent of the Singapore Police Force. I served GCSPF from 1993 to Dec 2016. I have been working with full dedication and determined ever since I started my own training centre at Nakhipot, Lalitpur.
I am passionate on sports like running, swimming, canyoning , dragon boat racing, military sports shooting, navigation exercise and so on. During my training I was involved in different international and national sports competition. I was rewarded on top ten position on Climbathon (Open Competition) which was held in Malaysia in 2013. I was also awarded with so many medals, cash prizes and regonization for Racing, Shooting, Dragon Boat Racing etc.
My goal is to help, train and motivate young people in order to achieve their dream come true by joining in British Army, Gurkha Contingent (GCSPF), Indian Army, Nepali Army and Nepal Police Force, just like I did in my time.With this short message on our website, I would like to assure parents and students, that their career is in safe hands with our institute. Whether our students get selected or not, I believe the lessons we give to students are always valueable to them in every aspects of their life.

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